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Workshop Transferstrategy with IfM Cambridge

Transferstrategy for Christmas

When you want to get the agenda of some busy faculty leaders aligned, you better be prepared to have an intensive workshop 3 days before christmas.

The workshop was facilitated by Nicky Athanassopoulou from Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge, who is an expert in transfer strategies at this level. She guided us through the workshop and helped us find out what transfer actually means to us and how we can best implement it at the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences at the University of Cologne.

We started off with a vision and then looked at needs and challenges that we face, and how we can overcome them. Finally, we identified specific activities that will enable us to reach our goals and tackle our challenges.

Thanks to all Faculty members that took 1 1/2 days out of their busy days to give inputs and help shape the strategy.