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Collaborative Research Centres and Transregios

Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) and Transregios (TRR) are long-term (up to twelve years) research associations funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Researchers of one or several universities work together within the framework of an interdisciplinary research program. By coordinating and pooling people and resources at the applicant universities, CRCs and TRRs enable the processing of innovative, complex, and long-term research projects. In this way, they serve to establish institutional priorities and structures. In addition, they promote interdisciplinary collaborations and early career researchers.

Current CRCs and TRRs with speakership at the faculty

Current CRCs and TRRs as co-applicant

Current CRCs and TRRs with participation of the faculty

Recently ended CRCs and TRRs with speakership at the faculty